War Risk Surcharge.
War Risk Surcharge.
A certificate that records all information related to shipments of goods to certain destinations in Africa. It is also known as Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN).
Transit Time estimated by the shipping line from the port of loading to the port of discharge.
Terminal Handling Charge. Cost of container handling at terminal (at origin THCO or at destination THCD).
Port of Discharge.
Port of Loading.
Daily "rental" charge invoiced by the terminal for the space occupied by the container inside the terminal, after deduction of free days.
Gate In Gate Out. Freight includes terminal charges both at origin and destination (including THCO and THCD).
Gate In Free Out. Freight includes terminal charges at origin but not at destination (THCO included).
A document issued by commercial banks to guarantee payment for goods. This indicates to the seller or exporter that, upon fulfilment of the conditions of the contract, the issuing bank is responsible for the disbursement of money.